Monday, November 7, 2011


Preparation days come faster & faster as time goes on and I'm not so sure I like writing updates anymore :)

The Zone Leaders parked in the handicapped spot at the Institute & the Director put a note on their car -- "Are you handicapped? Disrespect." The great thing is that we had parked there 3 weeks ago & THEY had to call us about it. Now they're the ones parked there...priceless.

We found a purple futon mattress on the side of the street! This week I also found out that purple isn't technically a color. Who decides these things? How do I get on this committee?!?

Genesis is doing well, accepted the 10 Commandments and Law of Chastity but has a really hard time reading her scriptures. So one lesson we mostly focused on the blessings we receive when we actually study the scriptures every day. Now she understands why it's important...but it hasn't seemed to make a difference. We postponed her baptism until she's really ready. It might not be until the end of this month. All in good time.

Bargain of the week: a sturdy table & two matching chairs for $4.50 and the bonus? While we waited in line to pay we talked to the guy in front of us, studying fermentation (OSU has one of the top programs in the nation) and the girl in front of him asked how long we'd been out on our missions. Turns out her boyfriend is a member but she isn't! She was called up to pay for her things so that was the end of our conversation. But here's the great thing - as we hauled our chairs out to the car - we saw her walking towards us - she had WAITED for us! Her name is Careen, she's long-distance dated this member for 5 years and is interested in learning more about his church. She is super busy this term - as is every other person we meet - but we told her all about the Institute Building and what goes on there and we left her with our number! We're praying to see her again.

This week we spent more time on campus <3 Now, while we can't OYM on campus we think that in the long run it will be effective for the students to see us. We met with a member ON CAMPUS and got to know her a little better. We thought she was less-active but as it turns out - she's been going home every weekend to go to church :) Mystery:solved. After that WE WERE APPROACHED by Natasha who wanted us to take a survey about SNAP - aka Food Stamps. We let her know that because we're MISSIONARIES we would have to get approval first. But we listened to everything she shared with us about the program they're coming up with. Eye contact is very important.

Saturday night we met with a member, again to get to know her better, she's only been a member for about 4 months. She has a wonderful story and will be going to a Vet thing in Raleigh on March 1st --- I told her that I'm going to come pick her up & she'll stay with me for those two days :) Hope that's okay Mom! I'm just so excited to have a friend! Her roommates found us somehow and we had to introduce ourselves -- two more ON CAMPUS contacts!!! Slow & steady people...slow & steady.

Todd is doing absolutely amazing. We stop by to see him once a week-ish. He's happy and healthy and getting along with his family - his mother is so pleased with him. She wants to meet us :)

Other TMSQ Sisters told me that Outbound is a vacation -- too true. It's not as intense as TMSQ. It's a nice break for now but I know that in 6 weeks - I'll be ready to go back :)
Sister Britton and I made matching T-shirts for the Sister Conference!!! We're hoping that President won't take our ridiculous amount of comp unity the wrong way & split us up because we get along TOO well. That would be no bueno.

Finding new ways to share the gospel :)
Sister A. Despain