Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Mom - So i know you said to wait until Dec 1st to start the whole 12 days of Christmas thing - makes sense...but I'm getting transferred to Eugene...so we decided that Christmas was actually this week ;)

THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We shared the things we could and had a great time reading the quotes. Thank you so much for going to the trouble of having family & friends write those, it meant a lot. The fantastic thing is that a member bought us a legit Christmas tree - so I had a tree with lights to open them under!!!!

I'm sad to leave Corvallis - it's a wonderful place.

This transfer has been as they say "ballin" -- best ever. I'm headed for Eugene to be in a trio with a 2nd & 3rd transfer. Britton is staying here to train. I'll be at the U of O YSA ward - so that'll be good....I think? The Zone is splittin up...we're all sad - but life goes on!

Just 3 more weeks then I'll be back at the Square!