Monday, November 21, 2011

Applebee's Here We Come!!

Applebee’s here we come!

The frost is coming, the rain has REALLY started and my companion thinks that Christmas music is perfectly fine. Little does she know that one can only listen to such music after Thanksgiving. :) Word on the street is that in Branson, Missouri Christmas starts November 1st so that's the kind of mischief she's used to. I'm coping as best as I can, not singing along TOO much or smiling TOO often or outright yelling "Christmas is coming!" TOO often ;)

Thanks to our cooperation with LDSSA we will officially have a booth in the MU quad on November 29 and December 1 & 2 -- isn't that so exciting!!! Our primary purpose will be to promote the Nativity Festival; this just so happens to fit perfectly with our message about the restored gospel. Love it.

Sister Britton and I won the 2nd Cleanest Car Award at Zone Conference. President Young's exact words were, "It looked like it came off the showroom floor!" Keep in mind we had to drive 30 min that morning in what we like to call rain, leaves, dirt, muck, grime etc -- we brought a towel with us to do some last-minute cleaning :) As a prize we got a gift card to Applebee's! Good thing too because we have NO dinner appointments this week.

Who knew shopping would be an approved non-Pday activity? We took Teresa to TJ Maxx to find a Sunday outfit. The point of this less-than-my-favorite experience was that she got a modest outfit to wear to church. Mission accomplished.

Todd came to the baptism Friday night. Genesis isn't making scriptures a priority right now. Carmen knows the gospel better than she thinks she does. Rachel needs to realize that what she's looking for is what we have. Monica has 8 cats...and we're buying Benedryl today :)

Life is great <3
Sister A. Despain