Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hello from Headquarters!

We had a very good tour the other night with a 25 year old RM named Brennan. In the end what it came down to was this analogy: We’re all riding on the “Train of Life”. His question was: Wouldn’t it be easier just to jump off? My answer: Maybe. But it definitely wouldn’t be as worth-it as sticking it out to the end.

Touché, Sister Despain. I was thinking about what I told Brennan and I realized that I’ve had a bit of his attitude about this transfer – wouldn’t it be easier just to quit? Just to give up? Just to stop caring? Maybe. But it wouldn’t be as worth it or as rewarding.

This reminds me of the video on Mormon Messages by Elder Holland. He narrates the story of a young father who repeatedly has to walk miles along a desert highway to seek help in fixing his car. In the later part of Elder Holland’s talk, he says, “Don’t you quit.” And his voice is one I hear frequently in my head, saying, “Don’t you quit” and then I find that I can keep going!

I know that each of us experience times in life that challenge us, that push us to our edge but that if we recognize it – allow us to increase our faith in Heavenly Father & put all of our trust in Him. He believes in us because He has prepared the way to make all things possible.

I know Heavenly Father loves us because He sends us listening ears. He sends us Quail babies to make us smile & laugh. He sends us beautiful sunsets that make us glad to be alive. He sends us people who need to talk specifically to us about their struggles with faith – people that only we can help.

True silver linings are difficult to see; a very thin line of beautiful, shiny silver that follows the outline of a dark storm cloud. This week, I discovered something new about myself. Even though times are tough & my “tough-it-out” Cowboy boots feel a little heavier than usual, I still have the strength and determination to put them on each morning! Every day – ready to “get back on that horse”.

Transfer Conference is on Monday. You might be hearing from me sooner if I get a new P-day!

Peace. Love. Guest Services.

Sister Despain Jr