Tuesday, July 19, 2011

RC, DR & UC -- I love TMSQ :)


What a crazy week! We are so busy, I love it! There was one night in particular – Saturday night I think – when I came home, dropped my bag on the floor & said, “Ahh – I love being a missionary!”

I have been out for 11 months and from that experience I can tell you that the happiest times I’ve had as a missionary came when I was working my hardest. As it says in PMG, there is no substitute for it! Work, work, work! What better work to be a part of than the Lord’s work to bring His children home?!?

Wednesday I had a Spanish tour with future Elder Reyes, from the Dominican Republic. He is here in SLC for a surgery and hopefully head to the MTC in a week. His host parents didn’t speak any Spanish so Sis Iglezia talked with them – perfect! We showed them all over TMSQ and even over to the CC. There are very few people who truly appreciate how amazing everything is here. I think Elder Reyes really understood how special a place it is, he kept saying, “que Hermosa”. He was very sweet in helping me pronounce certain words correctly, asambleos – bombillos – persecusiones etc. There are some words I’ll have to practice saying over and over again – which he also had me do! It was hilarious! He’ll be serving in Guatemala and he’s very excited to share the gospel with the people there.

The last time I bought new clothes was for April conference – I figured it was only right to introduce Sis Iglezia to the beauty that is Uptown Cheapskate :)

District Meeting Thursday night went really well! We focused on being brief & clear – having that help us relay our message more effectively. The district I’m serving with is wonderful, they love participating and sharing thoughts. They come from America, Brazil, Kiribati, Samoa, France, Canada & Korea! I’ll take a picture one of these days and you can see for yourself how amazing TMSQ is!

Sis Bateman from Washington – who knows Sis Lyman – guided the best RC real play I’ve ever done in my life!!! For these phone calls we are supposed to invite the guest to meet with missionaries by 7 minutes – total the calls are just 10 minutes, if they let us talk that long :) Each computer had a “profile” on a slip of paper for a missionary or a guest. We read through it & then real-played as that person. It was so neat, actually being called & pretending to be “Barbara”. The Spirit is definitely there as you real-play, it teaches us how to approach people and what to say. This way we can use it for our real calls!

We got to see MOTAB this week! I love hearing the choir – I think they should still be in the Tabernacle though, it’s much more impressive :)

From this week I learned that Heavenly Father loves me so much that He sends me sincere, prepared Spanish tours to take. He has sent me a companion who is patient, supportive & loves working. He continues to bless me with an out-of-this-world family who are fantastic! And if you thought it could end there – every day I realize that He loves me so much, He let me come to TMSQ :)

As the Armenians say, “yehs-kez-sirum-ehm” [I love you]
