Sunday, August 28, 2011

“Sometimes they don’t understand because we don’t listen.”

Moral of the Story: As we listen with the Spirit we can hear the things that aren’t said but meant.

This week was full of training & exchanges. Most insane week of my life. Wait….ya – of my life! Zone Council was on the 26th floor of the Church Office Building – it’s not every day that you can say, “No worries – I just have a meeting at the COB” – unless of course you’re Pop…then that’s like every day!

There are four things we’re focusing on as a mission this transfer: Jesus Christ, Humility, The Book of Mormon & Listening. In regards to focusing on Jesus Christ – the emphasis was on testifying of our own personal relationship with Him. As we real-played it (notice how it’s not role-play anymore) the Spirit was all of a sudden super strong as I testified of who He is for me. The next day, we were with two guests up at the Christus & I shared those things with our two ladies. Jesus Christ is my friend, He has been there with me through everything. When I had no one else to turn to, I knew He had been there every step of the way. As I pray I can feel of His love & of God’s love. I know that through Him all things are possible…and that is what I remember as I look in this room.

Humanitarian Center Exchanges: I love this place! If you’re ever in SLC and you have 45 min – head to the HC! This is the easiest place for me to share personal stories, it’s so fun. As a family we have done a lot of service over the years – but just HOW much I never realized until I had 50 million stories to share!

One that I loved sharing was about my first day of Kindergarten, don’t judge me for accuracy – I was 5. The first day of school I got my personal box of 5 crayons and I felt so special! I was used to sharing everything (thanks to my oh-so-wise parents) and I was amazed that I could have brand new crayons all for ME! Whoooo! It almost went to my head but no worries, I kept things under control. The school kits that are made for the Humanitarian efforts have only the basics: paper, pencils, ruler and scissors. Not much, right? But if those 5 crayons made ME feel special – I know that this simple kit can do the same for these kids :)

Welfare Square Exchanges: We were doing personal study when Sis Etienne asked, “Why do you think Christ walked on water?” Yes, we know the obvious answers – but couldn’t the point of it be brought about by other means? Why did Christ choose to walk on water? My answer: He had previously showed his humility by allowing the water power over Him, through baptism. At this point in His ministry, it was time for Him to show His Divinity by exercising His power over the water – by walking on it. Something to think about.

The other night I was on exchange with Sister Barazza (Spain) for a few hours. We got paged for a Spanish tour – so we responded faster than lightning! She is adorable, “Sister Despain – this is a dream come true for me!” “What???” “Taking a Spanish tour with you!” I had no idea that’s what she was excited about! Hahahaha a dream come true? Wow! I’ve never felt more complimented. She is a power house of a missionary – a very strong testimony that she isn’t afraid to share! She said my accent is cute :) And yes, she said that’s a good thing.

I’m exhausted at the end of EVERY day – but it’s for all the right reasons. When you’re so fully invested in something, there’s nothing else you’d rather do! I love being a missionary. Love love love. I can hardly explain why. I think it comes from the happiness that is a natural part of bringing others closer to Christ. As Zone Leader, this gives me the opportunity to make sure that even Sister missionaries are coming closer to Christ. This is the best thing in the world. I’ve never been busier or happier.

Loving the mish,

Sister A. Despain