Monday, February 21, 2011

"Mironame Sista Despain hoh -- see I'm practically FROM Nepal!"


This week, as redundantly as ever, was fantastic! It was unbelievably hard and also insanely great! I had the hardest & best days I’ve had in a while. Some people change my life for the better & some people would ruin my day – if my testimony wasn’t so strong. Good thing it is!
Last P-day we had a Zone Activity! We were waiting for the Zone Leaders to show up when Sister Hirt said, “The floor is lava!” Next thing we knew, a handful of Sister Missionaries were jumping from couch to coffee table to pillows on the floor – trying not to die in the lava :0 After two minutes of climbing on the furniture, someone yelled, “What’s our goal?!?” “I don’t know!” Hahahaha – turns out goals are necessary for most things in life, even games!

On Tuesday I made cornbread muffins to go with my homemade chili! I know! Be amazed! I made chili – all on my lonesome. Quite frankly, I’m amazed myself! Even Sister Khadgi said it was delicious :) We had the blessing of finding out that the Elders in Canada contacted Audrey from Chat!

On Wednesday we had a less-than-bueno message on our phone. Remember oh-so-cool Ryan the Journalist? He called, thanking us for our call – sorry he missed it – and would appreciate our not calling him back. Turns out, he decided to go solo on his “finding God” endeavor. Bummed me out. But it’s all good because we found out that we exceeded the goals we set for this week! Whoooo!!! And if I actually followed or even liked baseball, this would be much cooler: I shook hands with the World Series MVP!!! I know!!! Okay, end of my enthusiasm on that topic. But what REALLY made my day was the Nepali tour we took that night! No I don’t understand a word but somehow I still manage to follow it! Elder Warczack & Elder Clerveaux came with a couple that we took around a few weeks ago – they’re baptized now! In addition, we also had a couple with their 7 year old daughter. I love Nepali people, they’re so sweet! I can’t even describe our tours, or the actually people it’s just so amazing! When the husband asked Sister Khadgi a question, she got half way through her answer when the other man’s wife and the member that always comes, started in on their own answers! So he had three teachers going all at once! In the end, their testimonies were strengthened and he decided that he wants to pay tithing! And the best is yet to come: Elder Warczak informed us of the baptism of the Monger family who we took around last transfer! WE’LL GET TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Thursday we had a wonderful tour with four middle to late aged men. They were very receptive and had wonderful questions as we went around. They had great answers and seemed to be very devoted in their respective faiths. We took them down to the Special Witnesses display and played Elder Holland’s video on the Atonement. I then added my testimony. The Spirit was so strong you could practically SEE it! Okay, maybe not – but still! None of them referred but as we finished at the Christus they said it was all very eye-opening and enlightening. Hopefully they’ll think about it when they go home :)

On Friday I met a man who changed my life. Brother Earl must be in his eighties. He is blind and has a prosthetic hand. We walked with him from the SVC to the NVC – because he wanted to see the Christus. Let me remind everyone that Brother Earl is blind. As we walk we find him to be a very light-hearted, optimistic man. Very young at heart, I guess you could say. He recited for us, a poem that was written about him by a friend. It talks of his misfortunes and his blessings, along with the ways that he has touched so many lives. He worked as a temple architect here in Salt Lake for years on end and now is a temple worker. After we played the Christus narration, he recited for us the entire section of scripture – part is left out in the narration. It was a blessing for me, which I really needed, to have a man in his situation have such a strong faith in Christ and an amazing sense of optimism in regards to his past and his very bright future. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to complain again :)

Not complaining – just informing – I got some weird hives-like rash on my hands & arms. I think I’m allergic to something?

On Saturday I went on exchanges with Sisters Wiesner (Switzerland) and Salinas (Argentina)- which was so awesome! We took a Spanish tour and then directly after, found a German tour! I LOVE LANGUAGE TOURS! There is something about the non-English speaking people…they’re just much more receptive. We then had one hour of Chat – which was fine, nothing amazing. At 4:00 we had MTC Contacting!!! My first time doing it, I was so nervous. For those of you who don’t know, which might be everyone – in the MTC when we’re training for Visitor Centers, you come to Temple Square and pair up with another Sister and get the real-live experience of it. There were only 3 coming though, really small – so Sister Khadgi & I were actually in a trio with Sister Mckee from Hawaii. She was fantastic! She’s super cute and very outgoing. She didn’t know the history but was willing to share doctrine and bear her testimony at the Christus. She’s going to the VC in Mesa – she’ll be half pros & half VC. Spanish speaking! No, I’m not jealous ;) As Sister K took the group’s picture in the Tabernacle, I asked Sister Mckee, “So, what do you think?” “You are amazing!!!” Oh to be in the MTC again & to see Temple Square from their eyes :) I told her that it comes with time, study, trust in the Lord, be yourself & everything else will fall in to place.

On Sunday I made a goal during Weekly Planning: Learn Nepali. So I have about 9 days…wish me luck! During RC time in the afternoon I had a way-too-long anti phone call that shook me up pretty good. I know, I should have handled it better and cut it short but I find that I still have trouble cutting people off like that. But it was good because I found out that we don’t need to call him back, he’s not searching to know for himself and that he’s not a very nice person. I mean, when they’re using the phrases, “I don’t mean to be a jerk…” and “I’m sorry to upset you…” and “Get a sense of humor…” --- you know where their heart really is. Lesson learned. Reminder for the day: “To be learned is good, if you hearken to the counsel of the Lord.” At desk that night I got two potentials from a wonderful member who referred his wife’s co-workers. Gotta love teamwork!

We visited the Temple this morning. It’s a very important reminder of the truth of this gospel. It has become a necessity for life. Going to the temple keeps you on the straight & narrow – don’t take it for granted! I know this church is true. No worries. I took two Spanish Chats this morning! Love it!

Missionary work is hard, fun, insane and 100% worth it! Time is so short – you’ve got to love every minute :) Sister Khadgi goes home in a week and it’s kind of becoming more “real”. We’re getting along great and work hard 24-7! Even in our dreams, we’re still contacting people! Hahahaha

Life doesn’t get much better!

Sister Despain JR