Monday, February 28, 2011


Hi Hi Hi! (Sister Despain-glish)

I hope this update finds everyone safe, happy & warm! Goodness knows that here in Salt Lake the weather is in a mood – it really just needs to decide to either be winter or spring! According to the beautiful flowers coming up, it’ spring :)

This week was particularly wonderful. We were able to participate in the Monger family baptisms! And yes: baptismS There were EIGHT baptisms on Friday night and we got to be there for them! There’s absolutely nothing like baptisms while you’re on a mission! More on that later.

On Tuesday we had service at Heritage Park! This basically meaning that we breathed dirt for three hours :) But we also managed to clean and organize the old tithing office.

On Wednesday we participated in the Called to Serve program for the Young Men in the area. They come here and we basically motivate them to go on missions! Sister Wiesner (Switzerland) told us ahead of time that there were about 150 Young Men here for the program but I was still amazed when we walked in the theatre!!! 150 is a lot! They were all dressed up in their shirts & ties, looking so nice. Granted, some did slump over after they decided that a 3 minute musical presentation was just too much for their attention spans. It was awesome!

On Thursday I got a letter from Elena!!! I was very, very, very excited to have a picture! I then proceeded to show her off for the rest of the day :) “Do you want to see my sister?!?” Then I’d whip out the picture from my Book of Mormon, sisters are the best! Sad news for the day: We got a message from Sally saying that she decided to stay Catholic for now. She’s afraid of being the only one in her family. The Elders never came to see her, even when they set up an appointment. They also never returned her call. Black. List.

On Friday we had Zone Companionship Study & Breakfast, which was enjoyed by all. For whatever reason they found it necessary to have a “What I learned this transfer…” time. I learned that time is really short. I learned that communication IS the key! I really learned that everything is on the Lord’s time. I also learned the importance of making the most of what you’ve got. This transfer was my favorite – for sure. BAPTISMS: Sister Khadgi & I got to stand by the font (in the bathroom area) and watch everyone get baptized. I can hardly describe how wonderful it was to be there for that family. They are such a beautiful people. I talked with Elder Warczak afterwards and told him that when Nepal opens – I’m SO there for a Senior mission! The second best part of the night? I bore my testimony in Nepali :) Ya! I did! AND what’s better – they understood me! Vishwa (recent convert, performed one of the baptisms) told me afterwards, “I could feel the Spirit as you bore your testimony. Thank you.”
Being a missionary is THE BEST!

On Saturday we woke up to a beautiful snow-covered Salt Lake City – I love it. I’m STILL not tired of the snow! I got to Chat with Jessica 4 in Canada. She’s doing better; she’s recovering quickly and staying on top of school work. She had a misunderstanding with our belief on the Fall and so I was able to clear it up for her! She has a quad and the Gospel Principles manual and has been to church before. She’s committed to get in touch with the Elders again (it’s been 2 weeks) and she’s planning on going to church next week! She’s great.

On Sunday we got to go to MOTAB (again) for the departing Sisters. My favorite song was the Nella Fantasia…or something like that. It was gorgeous and the only song that has made me tear up in the last 6 months :) In Sacrament Meeting, Sister Brett reminded us that we should learn to laugh and not to lose faith. She has been a great friend and a wonderful example of a missionary. I ran into Elder Widenhouse in the NVC! I haven’t seen him since Christmas time and was hoping to see him again before too long. It’s nice knowing that I have friends in the area. I made some Castillian Hot Chocolate (oh yeeeaaaah :) for our apartment. Sister Oyarxabal (Mexico) said, “Thank you so much Sister, you mind me of drinking chocolate with my sister!” I’m so glad that hot chocolate goes farther than just being ridiculously delicious. Good memories.

This morning we had TRANSFER CONFERENCE!!! I know – can’t you believe it??? Another transfer has already come & gone! In case you haven’t kept up, Sister Khadgi is going home, which she is dealing very well with, by the way. So I knew things were going to change. The only thing I really wanted was to stay on the first floor of DA – because that’s the easiest place to run – you can just go out in the hall. BAM! So here’s the lowdown:
Companion: Sister Nelson (USA – CA, I think) Zone: Extended – Assignment: Guest Services!!! Apartment: SAME! I don’t have to move! I’m excited – even though this will be my 4th transfer in the same apartment. I’d rather not move & be able to run in the morning :)

This transfer has been absolutely wonderful. I’ve learned so much from being with Sister Khadgi. We came to be really good friends & I’m going to miss her a lot. She is a very sweet and humble person who will have a great effect on her country. She taught me to be more open, to really share what I feel, to like cooked lettuce and to prefer eating with my hands. I taught her that you can have FUN while you work, that it’s possible to not complain AND…to eat cookie dough and love it :)

Malai thaha chha yo church satya ho. [I know this church is true – Nepali]

Sister Despain