Saturday, December 24, 2011

Good Morning, Salt Lake City!!!

I flew back on Tuesday and it’s been quite the reunion since then :)Lots of screaming, lots of hugging, lots of hip checking into walls…ahh the classy TMSQ Sisters. There is nothing like Temple Square; right behind missing my Sisters and President & Sister Holmes I missed the Spirit that is always present on the Square. I gained a greater appreciation for what we’ve been blessed with as a mission. Despite the wonderful effects of inversion, I love SLC.

We basically had no idea what we were supposed to do Tuesday night, our instructions? “Do whatever you want!” So we ate dinner at Hagermann’s then hit the Square! The lights are so beautiful and there are so many people! I love the excitement of the Christmas Season here but it sure can be exhausting. The lights & insanity will go until New Years and then the Square will, as President so tactfully said, “Let’s face it! It’s dead!” Hahahaha but it’s okay, there are plenty of people that need the gospel all around the world.

My last companion is Sister Kealamakia from New Zealand! She’s in her 4th transfer, trained by Sister B. Hernandez who was an amazing missionary – so I’m not worried one bit. I’m back in the Extended Zone and we have been assigned to West Gate! I always wanted to serve in West Gate, so I’m super duper excited. So for those of you who have seen the beautiful Sisters smiling at you from that glass box right by the West Gate…that’s me :)

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone! Remember the true reason for this holiday.


Sister Despain Jr