Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guest Services: A.K.A. The Miracle Booth

Hey everyone! I’m out of cool multi-cultural salutations…so we’re straight up English this week :)

For whatever reason, Guest Services seems to boggle the minds of many. Not sure which part is confusing, the guest part…or the services part? Basically we run the show :) We schedule the tours, transfer phone calls, remind people that they can’t talk directly to the 1st Presidency and have already learned that we have to emphasize TEMPLE square when we answer the phones. Odd, I know - but our society is quickly developing the ability to stop listening and we seem to get all the pros!

On Sunday we called Argha, in India. From Chat we decided that Argha was a girl, so when a man answered and confirmed that he indeed was Argha – we gave each other a weird look & carried on with our phone call. He is very curious about Jesus Christ & wants to learn all he can! Saturday night we planned all sorts of ways to improve GS, which we were very excited about. Sunday was our official test-run day for sitting on our fitness balls. AWESOME! We’ll send pictures…

The highlight for Monday was an Inbound call I got from Drew, in North Carolina! I know! I miss the accent so much, it just melts my heart. Hmm, sorry that sounds stupid – but it’s so true! He already referred with another Sister but had more questions. He is so sincere; I can’t wait for his local missionaries to contact him. We called our New Investigator, Steve and taught him prayer. He’s in a pickle right now & there’s only so much we can do for him. We gave him the information for his Bishop and told him that he would be of great help. It’s amazing what we can accomplish in GS! No, not the speed with which we schedule tours but the people we are able to invite! While we’re in there, we’re logged in to receive calls – I talked with countless people but I got to invite THIRTEEN people to meet with missionaries! [Even if you’re not impressed…just BE impressed – it’s amazing.] We’ve got stars to stick up on our whiteboard with the referrals we get while in GS and I have FOUR so far! I’m righteously proud :)

On Tuesday we had Weekly Planning, so we made lunch at home. We made pancakes, eggs & bacon. Oh yeah – be jealous. But the really great part of Tuesday happened when Sister Nelson got a Spanish Inbound. Usually in the RC we’ll find a Spanish Sister to hand it off to, but it’s just us – so I took it! Luis is a non-member, calling in on behalf of his friend Mayra. I took down her information, invited him and then paged my roommate Sister Oyarzabal (Mexico) so she could “take” Mayra. They came home during our WP & told us they called Mayra and she’s a New Investigator!!! That’s how we do :)

On Wednesday we found the most challenging thing to be taking couples around. No, not cuz they’re “together “ but because usually one of them wants to refer & the other stops them. It’s obnoxious. Elder Warczak called in to GS to schedule a Nepali tour! They’re getting baptized on the 26th and he wanted to have them come to the Square. He is the kind of Elder you can be proud of. Our District Meetings consist of 6 Sisters…that’s it. Six. Which is nice actually – allows for more discussion. Sister Hardy is in my class & makes for a wonderful DL. I learned that I’m really hard on myself – but I don’t care, I still need to get better. You can always improve. Sounds a little OCD now that I think about it…

On Thursday an old lady called in about our TV ad for a $10 cell phone??? Ya. Drew from NC called Inbound & I amazingly enough got him again! What are the chances? It made my day. Last time he asked about the order of baptism & receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, so I studied up on it even though I knew I’d probably never talk to him again. Oh, but wait – I DID! So I got to explain it to him & it cleared everything up! I love when sincere people call in, I feel so helpful & productive. The weather was absolutely beautiful! We only have 2-3 hrs on the Square now…which yes, is lame but we cherish it so much more! We literally RUN up the stairs when it’s our Square time :) I LOVE IT. Kemarley in Texas referred, so we called him back. We kept it to 15 minutes, as we are supposed to and he let us know that he could “talk about God all day, so next time…I’d prefer it if we didn’t end so early?” – not sure what to do there, we do have rules to follow. He’s a Seventh Day Adventist, curious to learn more about God & Christ and he’s very sweet. He says “Ma’am” :)

We called Argha back on Friday! He. Is. Amazing. He told us how special the Book of Mormon is, how he felt peace as he read the Introduction, how he feels that God is listening to him when he prays….Argha is Hindu – in case I didn’t mention that. See how amazing these people are?!? We get the chance to meet with several of the elect. It hasn’t always been like this either. I’ve noticed that we get a limited number of trolls while we’re in GS & that our percentage of those who refer for missionaries is off the charts! It’s the best! On the Square we met Pat, who totally would have referred…if she wasn’t homeless. I don’t know what it is but we keep getting golden homeless people?!? Sister Nelson seems to attract people with serious life issues. I’ve never met this many before, apparently she gets them all the time. It’s hilarious. We agreed that part of it must be that she’ll tell them what they don’t want to hear. She asks them, “So what are you going to do about it?” instead of coddling them. It’s the best.

Today we’re headed to Happy Sumo for a sushi Birthday outing – for Sisters Carlton, Bryers & Burns. [Illinois, Australia & Tahiti, respectively.] We also have plans of making a fort to write our letters in later this afternoon :) Sister Nelson and I are doing great. We are both up & running (literally, I don’t mean just alive) by 6:00 AM. We’re on time. We work 24-7…also literally, Thursday night I had a dream we were in District Meeting. And we’re so happy sometimes it’s ridiculous! We are exactly what the other needed this transfer. She said she needed a “healing transfer” from training :) Glad I could help! I love working with her, we talk openly & frequently – as I learned is oh-so-important & basically think on the same wavelength, which makes life unbelievably easier! The work is hard but we are optimistic, persistent & have already been blessed by many miracles. I know that as we are obedient, the Lord blesses us! This transfer I really wanted to be obedient & healthy. So I got Sister Nelson, who is always punctual & was a weight-loss counselor pre-mission! She said something the other night that basically shows why I love her, “I decided to work out so much – so I could eat whatever I want!” She pushes me to do my best, in EVERY aspect of our work. For example, this morning – I ran for an hour!

Every day is a wonderful day, on Temple Square :) This church is so true.

Love you,

Sister Ainsley Marie