Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sunrise Sunset

Hey Everyone!!!

Friday: My teacher Brother Ferreday called us in for personal interviews - to see how we were doing & I'm SO glad he did. So I was fine for 3.1 seconds before I started crying & basically poured my soul out to him. He's an amazing teacher & only 2 years older than he's more like a big brother. Which I really needed. I felt so much better after I told him some of my frustrations & he gave me great advice! He thanked me "for being a saint" & all was well.
Saturday: Bro Ferreday wanted Sis Keddington to talk to me - in case there were some things I couldn't talk about with him -- so I told her everything(without crying) & she had fantastic advice too! Looks like I've got to focus on having a greater love for everyone :)
Sunday: At Music & the Spoken Word, they sang "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler on the Roof! It was really beautiful & made me think of good ole Brother/President/Bishop Lee when he sang it eons ago :) good times
Monday: I got SIX letters!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for writing me! I felt really special getting so much mail -- it's great to hear how everyone is doing! That night at dinner Elder Bake recounted the story of "Rumplestiltskin" to me -- I was a tad fuzzy on the details so he cleared it up for me. Apparently his little siblings watched the movie a lot before he left....riiiiight :)
Tuesday: During comp study...or some other really important activity...the Elders started talking politics -- great, huh? When I reminded them "no politics" they said it was probably because I don't have an opinion on anything. Which is totally NOT true! Which they ALL then Elder Edwards proceeded to bring up every single controversial political topic to see if I would crack & debate with him. Gotta say - that was one of the hardest things I've ever had to sit through. It was pretty hilarious though. I didn't crack though! District next door has ELDER MCCULLOGH who is going out with Alyssa Rentz in the Garner ward who knows Shannon West whose sister Laurel - is my best friend!!! WEIRD!!!
Wednesday: NEVER thought this would happen -- but I taught a sister how to iron!?!??!?! I guess I thought everyone especially the sisters would know how to was interesting & she is very proud of her new found skill :) Our district got to host yesterday! I hosted a sister from Virginia!!! Her name is April Todd & she was really sweet. I hate the elevators in 17M & I'm glad I have 3 flights of stairs to deal with everyday. So much easier. Elder Bake got a package at mail time -- when I asked what was in it he gave me a strawberry fruit strip! SCORE!!! Who knew a fruit strip could make you so happy?!? During class, I made the mistake of bringing up the point that "I love very few people. And I think I might view love a little differently than other people..." I have hereby been deemed heartless & without a soul ;) My POINT though, was that some people know someone for a day & then say "I love you" & I think it's nonsensical & illogical. I KNOW there's a difference between Christ-like love & 'family love' but here's the thing -- Christ knows EVERYTHING about everyone & yet he still loves them. So I reserve the right to get to know someone for more than a day before I say "I love you". The End.
Thursday: Sister Hansen & I have been exchanging as comps a lot lately & we both love it :) The temple was fantastic. I am so excited for SLC! Lunch with everyone was great -- Elder Bake got me a dreamscicle even though I didn't ask for it & I was successful at eating it!!! That's right! No "A Christmas Story" action today!!! I feel so accomplished :)

I PROMISE I'll write everyone as soon as I can! I've actually got time today for letters so be on the lookout! They print DearElder letters after lunch & dinner -- just so you know. Write me write me! I'll get back to you STASAP!

~Sis. Ains